By the Numbers
Performance Metrics
EPAM Systems - Google
Portfolio Lead across Google Users and Products training:​
Product and Vendor Managers
Localization agents and managers
TVCs and Vendors​
Quarter-over-quarter maintenance of:
100% on-time project acceptance rate
100% on-time completion rate ​
0.05% error rate in content quality scores
Developed and delivered WBR, MBR, QBR, and resource utilization reports since 2021
Developed several workflows and accompanying documentation as well as pilot, evaluation, and implementation for Google training development
Redesigned all NHT and Launch training production process to optimize and standardize development
76% decrease in new-hire training curriculum development costs
46% decrease in per-deliverable eLearning production costs
58% decrease in curriculum development internal resolution time
67% decrease in curriculum development total resolution time
59% decrease in onboarding seat time
Designed all-process efficiencies leading to a 50% reduction in standard workflow SLAs.
Senior Team Manager of 20-person team
Delivery and Operations manager of separate three-person team in my portfolio
Resource manager of 9 ​
Dell Medical School - Discovering Value-Based Health Care
Three module collections comprising 10 modules, totaling:
15+ custom high-quality videos
13+ custom high-quality animations; 2 with embedded assessment
Embedded activities and knowledge checks
10 high-quality and highly customized and standards-aligned summative interactive assessments
4 facilitator guides
4 user surveys
10 CEC credits and customized credit-support by adopting institution
Adopted nationally by prestigious institutions, including:
John Hopkins Medical School ​
NYU Medical School
Georgetown Medical School
High-Value Practice Academic Alliance​
To date:
273,000 pageviews
25,000 unique users
All 50 states and 10 countries
93% satisfaction rate with 90% intent to recommend
Moved to custom-built LMS with intent to build sustaining membership model
Institute for Transformational Learning
Lead-to-Senior instructional designer and support for programs in 4 University of Texas colleges and institutions
End-to-end design and build of 8 high-quality project-based online courses (semester-long)
6 interdisciplinary (Biomed + Core subject) project-based courses
Design and build of all supporting syllabi, rubrics, standards-aligned assessments, and facilitator guides